Thursday, September 21, 2006

my karma ran over your dogma, and now i'm in trouble...

It seems I've done something to spiritually offend Copenhagen's public transportation system, because I've been having some bad luck with it lately. Last Thursday I almost missed my study tour because the train stopped in Emdrup. I followed the crowd and took the bus, which got me in at 9:15 exactly. Luckily I had the leaders phone numbers so they knew to wait for me. On Tuesday the computer system for the trains was done, so my train never came and although I left my house extra early, I missed half of my class. Luckily all the trains were messed up, so about half the class was late. And the Wednesday night, the train decided to specifically target me. When it pulled into my station, I pressed the button on the door for it to open. But it didn't. Instead of flashing green, it was red. Other people got out at other doors, but I was stuck. I ran to another door, but by the time I got there, the train had started to move again. I got off at the next stop, thinking there might be a busstop with a map so I could figure out how to get home. But no...I was in an abandoned parking lot in the middle of nowhere. Turns out I wasn't far from home at all, but who knew? I had to call my hostmom at midnight and get a ride from her.

In other news, I went to Tivoli yesterday with Laura. It's a wonderful place, so much cleaner and calmer and nicer than American amusement parks. Plus no lines and right in the heart of the city. I was feeling brave so I went on the swings that go way high up. The view is so spectacular. You can see the entire city underneath you, and all the way to Sweden even.

Classwork is finally picking up; I have a 3000 word paper due Monday that I've done some of the research for (ie, I visited the museum that the paper is about) but I haven't started writing yet. I'm 95% sure I'm going to drop my Migrants class. I'm kind of sad because it's interesting material but there's no way I'd be able to get as much out of it as I'd like and with its conflicting due dates I don't think I'd manage. I feel bad only taking 4 classes, not because it feels like slacking, because it doesn't as I'm used to only 3 classes, but because there are so many other interesting classes I could have taken. At Carleton I've done a pretty good job balancing the types of courses I'm taking, but this semester except they're all pretty similar in form and/or in content. So the issues of migrants, minorities, and multiculturalism, at least in terms of Denmark or Jews, will continued to be addressed, just in different classes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your karma. I hope it improves.
On the other hand, maybe there's nothing wrong with your karma, just with the trains. And anyway, you managed to get where you needed to go, in spite of the trains, by using your smart and beautiful head and figuring out what to do. Yea for you! (Good planning ahead that you had the leaders phone numbers!)